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Pear Helene 2018

Recipe for 10 Persons:

15   pcs.          Pears (sort. Abate Fetel)

Washing, peeling, cutting into halves  and chop out the core and a little bit more. The core is for the fond. The pear rests are for the pear gelee.

2    l                 Water
Peel and Core of pear
Bayleaf, Juniper, cinnamon

Add everything and bring to boil, then let it soak for 20 minutes, pass through a sieve.

For Pear Fond Red:

2     l                Barolo Redwine
450 g               Sugar
1     l                Pearfond

Make a darkbrown caramell, add the Barolo and the Pearfond, reducing to 50 percent.
Fill 10 halfs of the pears and the fond into a vacuumbag. Sous vide 63 degree, 50 Min.

Let it get cold in the bag for min. 6 hours. Take them out and pass the red fond through a sieve.

For Pear Fond Golden:
2     l                Chardonnay Whitewine
450 g               Sugar
1     l                Pearfond
1    pcs            saffron thread

Make a golden caramell, add the ingredients, then do it like the Red Fond.

Cut out with a parisien cutter pearballs and sous vide them like the halfes a vacuumbag for 25 Minutes.

Red and Golden Fond Gel:

500 ml             Redwine-Pearfond and for the Golden Fond take the Whitwine-Pearfond

5      g              Agar-Agar

Take two Sauteuses, add in each Sauteuse one of the fonds, boil one after another and add in each
the Agar-Agar. Boil and stir for 5 Minutes. Let it get cold. Blending until it´s smooth, fill it into a squeeze-bottle.

250  g              Pear Rests
4      leafes       Gelatine, soaking in cold water

0,02 l               Pearbrandy
70  g                Sugar
100 ml             Pearfond

Blend the pear rests with the pearfond, pass through a sieve, boil for a few seconds,

stir in the gelatine leafes. Pout it out into round forms, 0,5 cm high. Put it into the cooler.

For chocolate coating:

1   kg               Good Dark chocolate 70%

Temperate the chocolate.

For curd cheese mousse:
750 g               Curd Cheese 40% fat

150 g               Sugar
200 g               Heavy cream

2     pcs.          Eggs

Press out the liquid of the curd cheese in a towel. Sugar and Eggs whipping up until the sugar is completely solved. Wipe up the heavy cream. Put the eggs and sugar after another into curd cheese while stirring. Put in the Vanillamark of a pod, stir. At least the Heavy cream, Stir slowly.

Complete the Pears:
Dry the halfes of the pears, fill in the curd cheese mousse, put two halfes of each colour together and coat it into the dark chocolate. Take them on a plate, let them cool.

Vanilla Ice:
250 ml             Milk
250 ml             Heavy cream

3     pcs           Eggyolk
100 g               Sugar
1     pc.            Vanillapod

Make a fresh Vanilla Ice.

Chocolate Sauce:
250  g              Dark chocolate 70%
200  ml            Heavy cream
200  ml            Water

Boil the Heavy cream together with the water, take off the heat, put in the chocolate, let it melt, stir.
Serve warm.

Arrange everything on the plate. Take out the pear gelee, put it into the middle of the plate, on top the two colored pear with fresh cutted mint, make the points of gel, take the warm chocolate sauce, and the vanilla ice.

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